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Who We Are

We specialize in Human Resource Management services with a unique focus on classification and compensation matters for public and private sector clients.  Our work is comprehensive, timely, and provides enduring impact as evidenced through the numerous and extensive studies we have conducted for governmental organizations in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, and nationally over the past twenty-five plus years.  

We are the proprietary owners of Job Information Questionnaire (JIQ) process and the point-factor job evaluation system called the Quantitative Evaluation System (QES) which provides age, gender, and race neutral comparisons of all organizational positions using our ten (10) job classification factors coupled with multiple evaluations levels within each factor.  The JIQ and QES are periodically updated and are as relevant today as ever, with refinements and updates made every year.  This serves as a testament to the validity, reliability, and value of our QES which has stood the test of time and been in use with some of our clients for the past 15 plus years.

What distinguishes Frank & Associates, Inc.  from our competitors is our continuous focus to ensure quality analysis and recommendations and provide our clients with a totally “turn-key” product and operation upon the completion of our work.  When we leave, you have all the tools, systems, training, etc. needed to administer your classification and compensation program on your own, with little or no further engagement of our consulting services, unless so desired by the client.

Signing a Contract

Since our founding almost a quarter century ago for the purpose of providing public sector classification studies and compensation survey work, neither Frank & Associates, Inc. nor any of its affiliates or personnel have ever been accused or charged with negligent acts, carelessness, oversights, or errors of omission in the work presented to our clients for implementation.  This is a hallmark of the quality products we have provided to our clients and a responsibility we take very seriously.

Leather Cases


What We Do


We provide a professional, third-party perspective and unique insights given our extensive experience and knowledge of comparative Human Resources practices and comparable, competitive job evaluation, classification and compensation programs.  Our professional staff and unique services help you solve your issues and problems with the knowledge, expertise and experience required to ensure effective and efficient results both for the short-term and long-run. 



How We Work


First and foremost, we "listen to understand" your needs, concerns, expectations, preferences, desired outcomes, and "conditions of satisfaction" in conducting and completing our work.  We believe developing a long-lasting, trusted relationship is critical to our mutual success and we continuously evaluate our performance by asking for your honest and frequent feedback about the quality of our services on each and every project we engage.      

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